Which is your demon hanging onto you, Writer?
1) Doubt
2) Procrastination
3) Fear
4) Daily Chores (yes, bills, included)
5) Family
6) FEAR (there is a capital-lettered one different from #3)
7) Blockage
8) Over-Analysis
9) Bloatedness
10) False Friends
11) Dependence
12) Critics and Fear of Criticism
13) Desire, or lack of
14) Dreams and Fantasies
15) Weak Will
There are more, but let's stop here before you scare yourself too much. Or maybe, you can tell me what is it exactly that's freezing your brain these days? I am a good listener.
I call it "performance anxiexty". When I am away from the computer or pen and paper, my story soars through my head. But . . . as soon I get near these tools, I freeze. The words stop, the voice is silent and the evil doubt of ability, talent, stick-to-it-ness closes in on me as if I'm in solitary confinement. I've tried taping myself while I drive, but as soon as I turn the tape on, I get self-conscious.
I have 200 pages of a book and everytime I try to work on it I fail and I have no real excuse. I have no children and I have a wonderful DH would wants me to sit my butt down and just do it. He wants me to do if for me because he knows I can. I would like to suck that confidence right out of him and swallow it in a cocktail.
Okay, I didn't realize how that last part would read/sound when I wrote it, but that's the way I feel.
Confidence starts with one page a day. Try it. One page. You already have 200 pages, so that tells me you have the capability to write 200 more. Sometimes, the Muse can use the voice of a husband. We Muses have to be innovative! Let your husband's encouragement be that cocktail. Okay, I'll groan along--suck it down, girl!
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